Spinach powder - ORGANIC, 100 g

Discount -15%

Product code: 50SPINAEKO

Available quantity 1000

  • Spinach is a superfood. It is loaded with tons of nutrients in a low-calorie package.
  • Spinach is important for skin, hair, and bone health. They also provide protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Great natural dye - Gives a soft green color for the product.
  • Stir into smoothies or cocktails, salads, porridges. It also tastes great in yoghurt or cereals.
  • 1 teaspoon of Spinach powder = 100 g fresh spinach.
€509 €599 inc VAT
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Country of origin: ES

Spinach powder is a concentrated source of nutrients, containing vitamins A, C, K, folic acid, lutein and zeaxanthin, which support vision and protect the eyes from oxidative damage. In addition, it contains fiber, which improves digestion and supports normal intestinal function. This powder also helps to strengthen the immune system, and antioxidants contribute to the body's resistance. Spinach powder, which gives dishes their green color, is an excellent choice as a natural coloring and additive that enriches the nutritional value.


Why choose SPINACH?

  • Eyes: The lutein and zeaxanthin in spinach help protect the eyes from oxidative damage and the effects of blue light.
  • Immunity: The vitamins C and A in spinach help to maintain the normal function of the immune system.
  • Heart: The potassium and nitrates in spinach contribute to the maintenance of normal blood circulation.
  • Good mood: The folic acid in it contributes to the maintenance of normal psychological function.
  • Digestion: Spinach is a source of fiber, which supports normal intestinal function and smooth digestion.
  • Protein: 100 g of spinach powder contains about 29-30 g of protein.
  • Additional benefits: 100% plant-based, without artificial additives. Suitable for vegetarians, vegans and raw. ORGANIC (LT-EKO-001).
  • Concentrated: 1 teaspoon of powder corresponds to 100 g of fresh spinach - the maximum amount of beneficial substances in each teaspoon.


Nutrition Facts:  

product nutritional energy value per 100 g:

1219 kJ/292 kcal
Protein 29 g
Carbohydrate 36 g

of which sugars

4 g

dietary Fiber

22 g
Fat 4 g
saturated fatty acids 1 g
Salt (of which are naturally in the product) 2 g
Vitamin C 225 mg
Vitamin A 3752 µg
Iron 21,68 mg
Vitamin K 3863 µg
Folic acid 1552 µg
*A percentage of total fatty acids. Daily reference intakes for adults are 8,400kJ/2,000kcal.


Composition: Organic spinach 100% dried, ground.

Producer: UAB "Kvalitetas".

Storage conditions: store tightly closed in a dry place. Prevent from the long-term direct stream of light because the product may discolor and lose nutritional properties.



Spinach powder is a versatile ingredient that is suitable for a variety of dishes and drinks.

  • For drinks - mix it into smoothies, plant-based milk or tea.
  • For baking - add it to pancake, bread, muffin or cookie dough.
  • For soups and stews - add it to soups or stews as a natural thickener, enriching the dish with fiber and antioxidants.
  • For porridge and yogurt - mix it with oatmeal, rice or buckwheat porridge or season natural yogurt.
  • For pasta and sauces - use it for pasta dough or sauces.

Recommended daily intake - 1-2 teaspoons.

Easily include spinach powder in your diet. It will not only enrich your dishes with nutrients, but also add a soft green color.

SPINACH PROCESSED: Our simple production process guarantees the highest quality of the product and the maximum health benefits possible.
Spinach is:
  1. Organically grown
  2. Dried to preserve all the vitamins and minerals
  3. Powdered for most convenient use!
The finished product you get contains 100% dried organic spinach and nothing else.

About SPINACH: Spinach is a superfood. It is loaded with tons of nutrients in a low-calorie package. Dark, leafy greens like spinach are important for skin, hair, and bone health. They also provide protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals.


Color and taste can vary because it is a product which is dependent on seasonal fluctuations.

! Very important to a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Additional information
Color Green
Weight 100 g
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